Over 30 Years in Education

Vichara World School
A world class learning experience
Vichara CBSE School has been created to offer young minds a blend of traditional Indian values in a fast-growing new Indian environment. Steeped true in the Vivekalaya Group's philosophy, Vichara ranks development of body, mind and character equally with academic learning. Supported by a trained and excellent teaching faculty, Vichara brings the best academic heads, mentors, teachers and support staff to a school-based setting. Dance, music, yoga, karate, self-defense and life skills are all part of the curriculum at Vichara world school. Students have a chance to engage in their favorite sport or hobby through the various clubs and after-school activities at the campus.
What We Offer
Our lesson plans, stories, poems and songs are all customized at Vichara's Nursery and change every year.
Under the Vichara Umbrella.
Vichara CBSE School has been created to offer young minds a blend of traditional Indian values in a fast-growing new Indian environment

School Excellence Award
Brainfeed School Excellence Awards
April 16, 2022.

Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change the world.
– Malala Yousafzai
The Invisible Quotient
This series was during the pandemic to create positivity.